Delete Account

The data we store

When you purchase a license to use Aeon Timeline, the email address you provide is used to create an account on our servers. This account is used when activating your license across multiple devices and to control your access to software updates.

Some other data will be automatically generated and linked to your account, including transaction numbers and dates, and device activation data including dates and unique identifiers. This information is used solely for the purpose of administering your user account.

Your .aeon timeline files are stored locally on your device or drive. We do not have access to your timeline files unless you have chosen to send them to us.

We do not sell any personal data you have submitted to us.

Continue reading about the data we store on our privacy policy >

How account deletion works

Account deletion is permanent. All of your personal data held by Timeline.App will be deleted. For legal compliance purposes, we may retain some transaction data for our records.

Deleting your account will not delete any purchased licenses, although it will delete any associated email addresses or other personal data as detailed above.

Deleting your account will not remove Aeon Timeline from your computer’s system. If you wish to delete Aeon Timeline from your device, you will need to follow uninstall procedures for your operating system.

Deleting your account with us does not delete data held with third-party sellers.

Purchases of Aeon Timeline made via our website, or directly within our Windows and Mac applications downloaded from our website, are processed by our third-party reseller, FastSpring. The use of all payment-related information, including your name, payment details and other identifying information supplied during purchase is governed by FastSpring's privacy policy. We do not have any access to your payment details.

If you purchased our software from the one of Apple’s App Stores, we have no access to data about your purchase: Apple manages your data and does not share any of it with us. View Apple’s privacy policy >

Any subscriptions held with FastSpring or Apple will not be cancelled on your behalf by deleting your account. You will need to manage these directly with FastSpring or Apple. Read about managing auto-renewals >

After submitting your account deletion request, we will delete your data within 30 days.

Delete your account

Fill out this form and click Request Account Deletion to start the process of permanently deleting your Timeline.App account.
