Introducing Aeon Timeline 3

August 11, 2021

Create beautifully organised, data rich timelines for every project.

With a cleaner, more modern interface, faster data entry, new visualisations and greater flexibility, Aeon Timeline 3 is the result of 3 years' hard work by a growing team.

New Visualisations

Create your data once and visualize it any number of ways:

  • Timeline View: a graphical representation of events across time
  • Relationship View: a matrix showing how your events relate to people and places
  • Spreadsheet View: rapid data entry to get down your ideas
  • Subway View: shows how individual threads of people, story arcs and concepts are intertwined
  • Narrative View: a graphical depiction of an independent narrative order and structure
  • Outline View: a spreadsheet-like outline display of your narrative structure
  • Mindmap View: a free-form space to brainstorm ideas and create visual representations of relationships

Independent Narrative

Aeon Timeline 3 supports two different approaches to ordering events within your timeline:

  • Chronological Order: represents a date-based, sequential order of events as they actually occurred (even for items that have not yet been allocated dates).
  • Narrative Order: represents the order in which events (and other items) are introduced within a narrative or presentation of the timeline data

So now you can plan your story (or presentation, or legal argument) independently from the strict date-based order that events actually occurred.

Split Views

Want to compare subsets of your data? Split your screen, and filter each view by a different person or project.

Want to watch your timeline grow as you quickly enter data in a spreadsheet? Split your screen, and set each half to a different view.

Drag and Drop, Everywhere

Want to move events from your back story into your narrative? Just split your screen, and drag the event from timeline to Narrative View.

Adding an existing person into a mindmap? Open the person side panel, and drag the person straight into your mindmap.

Improved Dependencies & Constraints

Our revamped dependencies are easier to use and offer greater flexibility.

  • Dependencies signify tasks that are blocked by other tasks: that is, tasks that cannot start until other tasks complete. They are fast and flexible, and unlike version 2,  do not enforce exact dates and offsets.
  • Constraints provide greater control, and allow you to specify exact alignment (no earlier/later than, or exact matches) to specific dates or other events.

Turn on automatic resolution and we will do the hard work for you and keep everything lined up.

Improved Scrivener + Ulysses syncing

Syncing with your favorite writing programs is faster and more powerful than ever before:

  • Your timeline's narrative automatically syncs with your draft or manuscript: no need to pick and choose individual items to sync
  • Sync other items like characters and settings to their own custom folders in your writing project
  • Version 3 actively keeps watch for changes in your Scrivener and Ulysses projects and lets you know when syncing is required.

Buy once, use everywhere

Our revamped iOS apps bring more of the Desktop power to mobile and tablets, and are more closely aligned to the Desktop design. In fact, the desktop design borrows a lot from the look and feel of the tablet.

And with our new licensing model, you can buy a single license and use it on Mac, Windows and iOS without requiring a separate purchase for each platform.

And so much more...

We have made so many improvements to Aeon Timeline that is hard to list them all:

  • Ongoing events will show dates such as 2001 - Present.
  • Uncertain dates allows you to specify earliest/latest start and end dates when the exact dates are unknown (lost in time, or flexibility in the plan)
  • Calendar markers show important dates or time periods in your timeline header, and allow you to set recurring events that won't clutter your timeline
  • Dateless events let you create events in the Spreadsheet without immeditely assigning dates until you are ready, making it easier to fit with your existing workflow
  • Locked events prevents events from accidental movement
  • Improved templates provide greater customization, making it easier to fit Aeon Timeline to more industries, or your own complex data needs
  • Printing and image exporting have been overhauled with more options and cleaner results

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